Monday, July 21, 2008
Better Management with IT Service
After a couple of times talking to some friends, many of them suggested me that I had better uses the NY IT Consulting, an IT Outsourcing company.
The NY IT Consulting lies right in the city I live, Boston. NY IT Consulting has been helping me to manage my computer networks and provide services that I my self have thought possible. Later on I found out that NY IT Consulting has already had so many consumers to serve. Some among them are American Program Bureau, Abbot Capital - a private equity investment, Delphi construction, and many more.
Now after more than six months dealing with NY IT Consulting, I found out my business management has getting better, and the sale points ? hmmm….it’s promisingly increasing. Read More...
GPS Tracking a Key Role in The Correct Data
The Global Positioning System is used for the first time in 1978, signed by the launching of Navstar I (a satellite for navigation system, with the timing and the most diverse). It is made prominently for military necessity.
GPS monitoring has been created to - especially- replacing the different navigation system that is existing before. But in today’s world, the GPS is widely used in many purposes, not only in the army, but also by the civilian, through a device called GPS Tracking Key. Based on for their own unique purposes, and the reason might be for the personal efforts or for law enforcement agencies.
One example of GPS Tracking Key of law enforcement agencies, was a case happenned in November 2007, the herd of George Ford, the murder of 12-year-old girl Shyanne Sommers, Chenango Land. Read the details in this article. Or have a look at the new streaming here
The precision of GPS tracking key is a very highly trustable, the basic reason is because the data in the GPS device had been seized by the satellites. Using the GPS receiver for monitoring unit will provide information translatable by Google Earth. It will ease the users to read the data taken, make the data be more sensible. Read More...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Finding Great AdSense Keywords
Success requires choosing a niche area without too much competition. Yet, the niche must have enough interest to insure there are sufficient numbers of searches. Many people choose niches which are simply too competitive to ever have a chance of being ranked on the first page of search engine results.
This is the most common mistake made when creating AdSense sites.
AdSense keywords for a given niche must allow the site owner to rank his or her pages on the first or second pages of Google and/or Yahoo search result pages. The best way to find these AdSense keywords is to brainstorm with the many free keyword tools available online. I have found even the free versions to be of great help for discovering AdSense keywords which can be used to optimize pages with. I particularly like the Google keyword tool. Simply do a search for "keyword tool" in Google and it is usually the first result.
When you find possible keywords, they should be checked in a Google search with quotes around them. Notice the number of total sites with that keyword in the content. For example, if there are 500,000 other sites with that keyword, it is probably too competitive of term for you to ever get traction with. On the other hand, if the AdSense keyword shows only 5,000 other sites, it can be very easy to rank well in the search engines. Read More...
Simple and easy ways to advertise online
Some people say that advertising is everything! Regardless if you have a product, a service, a hobby website or just want to share pictures of your wedding, you have to advertise somehow to get the traffic to your site or blog.
But not all traffic is equal. There are services that can help you drive tons and tons of traffic to your site and it won't do you any good at all because it's not targeted traffic.
Take for example all of the many different 'surf for traffic' or 'traffic clicking' programs that are out there. If you have a website that is about your hobby, say model airplanes, then what good is this traffic really going to do you? Who's using these services?
Webmasters and marketers that want traffic on their own site. So they most likely won't spend any more time on your page than is required by the little timer these services use and then they are gone again. Even if your site is about these traffic services (this is about the only time you will see very much benefit from using such a tool) you will still have to spend a ton of time just surfing and clicking around to get a real benefit from these programs. Once marketers realized this they switched gears. They started promoting all the different programs to a lot of other marketers to get them in their downlines, so they could get some traffic as a bonus. This became their new focus. The problem is that everyone else did exactly the same thing, so not a lot of people were surfing the internet anymore.
Bottom-line is this. You need targeted traffic. So here are some tips on how you can generate exactly the traffic you need and bring the visitors you want to your website without having to chase after them.
What is your website about? Do you just have a page with a lot of links and not much else?
If this is the case, think about adding some content to your website that will be of value to any potential visitors. You could write articles or find articles at one of the many directories that you can reprint on your site.
Talk about your experiences in your subject matter.
You don't have to put up some kind of resume (although that can work too), but rather try writing about what you are doing, as it relates to your topic of choice. Let's look at the model airplanes again briefly, you could talk or write about the latest plane type you built, how the last time flying your plane went, what challenges you run into or perhaps even post some pictures of your plane or of you flying it.
Forums and bulletin boards.
You could add a forum or bulletin board to your website where your visitors can interact with each other. There are a lot of free services available out there that you can use to either remotely host a forum for you, or even software you can install on your website's server. To find some of these, just head over to your favorite search engine and you will definitely find plenty to choose from.
And while you are visiting the search engine, why not run a search for any bulletin boards and forums that are already out there for your chosen topic? You could visit those and interact with the visitors there and since many allow you to post a signature or a profile, you could add a little line about your own site with a link (just check the rules of the forum first so
you don't violate any of them).
Start a blog.
Blogs are very popular and search engines love them because they provide constantly new and fresh content. Your blog would be a great place to talk about what you are up to that day. So if you spent some time today buying new parts for your plane you could write about where you found them, how much they cost you, why you chose those parts, anything really goes.
The really great part about this is that you can point links from your blog back to your website, so when the search engine stops by to grab and index your latest content, it will also stop by your website and you will start seeing very targeted traffic heading your way.
Write articles.
Writing articles isn't hard and can be a great source of fresh, new traffic to your website. There are a lot of ezines on any topic out there and there are also a lot of directories where you can share your article.
Basically, what you do is write an article and then add a small resource box that links back to your website (just like a signature) and then let other ezine publishers know that you are allowing them to print your article in their ezine. And many publishers go to the article directories to find new content for their newsletter and even their websites. And since there are
websites and ezine newsletters on any imaginable topic out there, you can't lose. Write an article every couple of days and post it in the directories (even one a week or every two weeks will start getting you traffic). Very soon you will find new traffic coming from search engines, newsletters and websites.
Best of all, these five simple tips will bring targeted traffic, meaning the visitors are coming to you because they are interested in what you wrote.
So there you have it. Whether you have a simple and basic Work at Home Business or a significant Internet Marketing enterprise you can benefit from these five easy and simple ways to advertise and drive traffic to your website at absolutely no cost. Read More...
Starting an Internet Home Based Business? You Must Know These Things
A lot of people have realized that their 9-5 jobs are not what they want to do for their entire life so they started searching a way out, "starting an internet home based business."
Do you know 90% of home based businesses fail within the first 2 years? Why? Because most of the people who are eager to start an internet home based business have the wrong mindset. They think they're on the path to get rich quick. Building a business requires a plan, immediate actions, consistency, and commitment.
Do you have a business plan on starting everything up? What is your business budget? What benefits can you gain from starting a home based business online? Are you a doer who takes massive actions immediately?
Can you spare enough time out from your full-time job to consistently do what's need to be done to build your home business? Can you dedicate yourself and commit to making your home based business work for you no matter what?
If you answer most of the above questions wrong, you might as well go to and find a better job.
Bear in mind that, you're the CEO of your business, you're an entrepreneur, you're the top boss of your business. What do most of the successful entrepreneurs have in common? They will do whatever it takes to achieve their business success, their goal, and their dream. Want me to say more? They do not ever give up.
How many self-help books or business success books you've read in the past that all say the same thing, don't give up, just keep going? That's right, building a successful home based business on the internet is about your mindset and how you handle your emotion to get you going and take actions.
You must be prepared to go through trials and errors before you can see yourself being successful. These trials and errors are your best teachers who teach you things that you will never learn from anywhere else.
Don't encounter your teachers. Find the ultimate solution to your problems. You should always try to become a better problem solver and solutions thinker. If at times, you can't find the solution to your problems, seek help.
Internet is an information industry; you can always find help from getting involved in various forums or online community. Or you can consult someone who already had the success in your industry.
There are more things that I want you to know about. A well developed business plan will save you money, time and energy. Writing your own business plan is not as hard as you think, it could be a very simple action steps that you want to take in the next 5 days.
To begin your plan, try writing your goals down and follow up with the actions you think you need to take to reach this goal. This is a very simple step you can do it now. Yes, right now!
Eric Su is a professional internet marketer and network marketer. Are you looking for a home based business opportunity? Read More...
Monday, July 14, 2008
How to Plan a Product Launch

One of the most wide-ranging and effective business strategies is to conduct a product launch. Introducing a product is costly, but if the product launch is done strategically, you’ll find that you can easily convert this expense into sales. Consider these tips on holding a product launch.
Study the selling points of your product. There’s no doubt that your product is amazing, but the challenge is how you can make the consumers think the same. Identify all the selling points of your product and rate them from strongest to weakest. Categorize the selling points according to the type of client. Where the product is food, for example, you should concentrate on presenting the product’s selling points on health benefits if your target market are the health buffs.
Have a message which you will convey clearly. All campaigns should be consistent with one clear message. In all your advertising materials — fliers, posters, TV ads, or radio plugs, make sure that your message is clear. The best way to achieve product recall is to have a product identity. Tell your customers exactly why they need your product.
Planning the launch. It’s a big event, so make sure everything is perfect - the venue, the attendees, the program, the food, etc. Write a list of people who should be there - VIPs, the press, some common people. Make a head count of these and consider a bit of spillover just in case some of your invitees would bring other with them. Based on this estimate secure a venue that would accommodate everyone. Make sure that the layout of the venue would allow for the smooth flow of foot traffic. Contact a caterer and plan for refreshments to cover all attendees.
Be prepared for questions. Don’t rush the launch because you will have to check about a lot of things before you can make the big announcement. When will your product be available? How much is the suggested retail price? Who are your designated outlets? These are only but a few questions which need answers before you broadcast. If your expertise does not include events organizing and management, it would be best to hire professionals.
Read More...8 Ways to Boost Your IT Career in 2008
One of the most wide-ranging and effective business strategies is to conduct a product launch. Introducing a product is costly, but if the product launch is done strategically, you’ll find that you can easily convert this expense into sales. Consider these tips on holding a product launch.
Study the selling points of your product. There’s no doubt that your product is amazing, but the challenge is how you can make the consumers think the same. Identify all the selling points of your product and rate them from strongest to weakest. Categorize the selling points according to the type of client. Where the product is food, for example, you should concentrate on presenting the product’s selling points on health benefits if your target market are the health buffs.
Have a message which you will convey clearly. All campaigns should be consistent with one clear message. In all your advertising materials — fliers, posters, TV ads, or radio plugs, make sure that your message is clear. The best way to achieve product recall is to have a product identity. Tell your customers exactly why they need your product.
Planning the launch. It’s a big event, so make sure everything is perfect - the venue, the attendees, the program, the food, etc. Write a list of people who should be there - VIPs, the press, some common people. Make a head count of these and consider a bit of spillover just in case some of your invitees would bring other with them. Based on this estimate secure a venue that would accommodate everyone. Make sure that the layout of the venue would allow for the smooth flow of foot traffic. Contact a caterer and plan for refreshments to cover all attendees.
Be prepared for questions. Don’t rush the launch because you will have to check about a lot of things before you can make the big announcement. When will your product be available? How much is the suggested retail price? Who are your designated outlets? These are only but a few questions which need answers before you broadcast. If your expertise does not include events organizing and management, it would be best to hire professionals.
Source :
Read More...Friday, July 11, 2008
Firefox Quick Tip: Deal with ‘Server Not Found’ Pages with ErrorZilla
Another reason why there is a lack of daily Firefox quick tips (it has been months since) is that 3 is just around the corner and we’ve pretty much covered a lot of ground for 2. Still, once in a while, we see some gems that we have failed to pick up along the way and one of those would be ErrorZilla.
It’s an add-on that modifies your ‘Server Not Found’ pages to add some buttons that would help you locate cached versions of the page. Say for example, you’re researching about a very important topic and unfortunately for you, the server where the page is located is long dead or is having hiccups. While there are tools like Google Cache and Wayback Machine to help find cached pages, ErrorZilla brings those functionalities to you within the error page. They’re just a click away.
Download ErrorZilla add-on here.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Steps in the risk management process
Establishing the context involves
- Identification of risk in a selected domain of interest
- Planning the remainder of the process.
- Mapping out the following:
- the social scope of risk management
- the identity and objectives of stakeholders
- the basis upon which risks will be evaluated, constraints.
- Defining a framework for the activity and an agenda for identification.
- Developing an analysis of risks involved in the process.
- Mitigation of risks using available technological, human and organizational resources.
After establishing the context, the next step in the process of managing risk is to identify potential risks. Risks are about events that, when triggered, cause problems. Hence, risk identification can start with the source of problems, or with the problem itself.
- Source analysis Risk sources may be internal or external to the system that is the target of risk management. Examples of risk sources are: stakeholders of a project, employees of a company or the weather over an airport.
- Problem analysis Risks are related to identified threats. For example: the threat of losing money, the threat of abuse of privacy information or the threat of accidents and casualties. The threats may exist with various entities, most important with shareholders, customers and legislative bodies such as the government.
When either source or problem is known, the events that a source may trigger or the events that can lead to a problem can be investigated. For example: stakeholders withdrawing during a project may endanger funding of the project; privacy information may be stolen by employees even within a closed network; lightning striking a Boeing 747 during takeoff may make all people onboard immediate casualties.
The chosen method of identifying risks may depend on culture, industry practice and compliance. The identification methods are formed by templates or the development of templates for identifying source, problem or event. Common risk identification methods are:
- Objectives-based risk identification Organizations and project teams have objectives. Any event that may endanger achieving an objective partly or completely is identified as risk.
- Scenario-based risk identification In scenario analysis different scenarios are created. The scenarios may be the alternative ways to achieve an objective, or an analysis of the interaction of forces in, for example, a market or battle. Any event that triggers an undesired scenario alternative is identified as risk - see Futures Studies for methodology used by Futurists.
- Taxonomy-based risk identification The taxonomy in taxonomy-based risk identification is a breakdown of possible risk sources. Based on the taxonomy and knowledge of best practices, a questionnaire is compiled. The answers to the questions reveal risks. Taxonomy-based risk identification in software industry can be found in CMU/SEI-93-TR-6.
- Common-risk Checking In several industries lists with known risks are available. Each risk in the list can be checked for application to a particular situation. An example of known risks in the software industry is the Common Vulnerability and Exposures list found at
- Risk Charting This method combines the above approaches by listing Resources at risk, Threats to those resources Modifying Factors which may increase or reduce the risk and Consequences it is wished to avoid. Creating a matrix under these headings enables a variety of approaches. One can begin with resources and consider the threats they are exposed to and the consequences of each. Alternatively one can start with the threats and examine which resources they would affect, or one can begin with the consequences and determine which combination of threats and resources would be involved to bring them about.
Once risks have been identified, they must then be assessed as to their potential severity of loss and to the probability of occurrence. These quantities can be either simple to measure, in the case of the value of a lost building, or impossible to know for sure in the case of the probability of an unlikely event occurring. Therefore, in the assessment process it is critical to make the best educated guesses possible in order to properly prioritize the implementation of the risk management plan.
The fundamental difficulty in risk assessment is determining the rate of occurrence since statistical information is not available on all kinds of past incidents. Furthermore, evaluating the severity of the consequences (impact) is often quite difficult for immaterial assets. Asset valuation is another question that needs to be addressed. Thus, best educated opinions and available statistics are the primary sources of information. Nevertheless, risk assessment should produce such information for the management of the organization that the primary risks are easy to understand and that the risk management decisions may be prioritized. Thus, there have been several theories and attempts to quantify risks. Numerous different risk formulae exist, but perhaps the most widely accepted formula for risk quantification is:
Rate of occurrence multiplied by the impact of the event equals risk
Later research has shown that the financial benefits of risk management are less dependent on the formula used but are more dependent on the frequency and how risk assessment is performed.
In business it is imperative to be able to present the findings of risk assessments in financial terms. Robert Courtney Jr. (IBM, 1970) proposed a formula for presenting risks in financial terms. The Courtney formula was accepted as the official risk analysis method for the
Potential risk treatments
Once risks have been identified and assessed, all techniques to manage the risk fall into one or more of these four major categories:[1]
- Avoidance (elimination)
- Reduction (mitigation)
- Retention (acceptance)
- Transfer (buying insurance)
Ideal use of these strategies may not be possible. Some of them may involve trade-offs that are not acceptable to the organization or person making the risk management decisions. Another source, from the US Department of Defense,